Tuesday, October 27, 2009

EE Meditation, Shaman + Integrated Soul Personality, Fragmentation, MPD + DID, Psychology; Pt 2 of 3

It is in every man the possibility of an integrated Soul Personality. However, in general, the average person, a more or less divided, depending on the severity of the pain, trauma and undigested stress in their lives and depend on the amount of work they have done to his personality with the help of therapy and integrate meditation.

Therapy and psychology allow intellectual appreciation of the problem in ourselves and others. It takes meditation to heal the splits toand the integration of the separate self.

Colin Ross (Ross, 1997) lists 11 dissociative features of the Shaman work and will be always to Dissociative Identity Disorder or parts. These parallels are worth to mention here, as they experience the patient split the ground in a milieu which, referring to the abilities of the shamans that are integrated and real pathological:

Structured, meaningful hallucinations - Shaman deliberately induced special states of being, in whichthey were able to communicate with other areas of existence, as the Spirit and animals, symbols of the split-off parts of the customer, the subconscious and the unconscious. The shaman induced these states so that they can access the split-off parts of the client and treat it, including giving the client the possibility of unconscious processes to access other parts can not be achieved.

Trance States - through meditation, trance states were essential for communication with the splitPart of their customers from the body experiences, possession, etc. Split patients often enter a trance. One of the most important diagnostic criteria for the allocation is simple hypnotizability. As people develop, they get more capacity, simply enter meditative states, which precede the integration of the split parts. But even though it easy for them to these countries, integrated shaman always have the opportunity to give back, in contrast to their patients who are not integrated Split lost.

HypnoticAnesthesia - Such great skills as a Shamanic naked in the arctic winters, hot holding objects, and self-piercing type of hypnotic anesthesia. Split Patients often report, anesthesia and amnesia for the pain of abuse or self-inflicted pain.

Symbolic Dreams - Shaman 'dreams and meditations were often found to be bright, and managed the transfer of information distributed on the customer part of the real world of customers. Buried according to information is recognized, it isreasons for and to be healed. Jung reached the split parts of his clients with this method, so that he could integrate them. The psyche of the patient tries to split generally heal spontaneously, even by dreams, which often involve the transfer of information about the past that has forgotten the abuse amnesia. After the confirmation by the guards personality, it helps to organize the personality system, or lists to access buried in other information for the guardsPersonality.

Ritual Dismemberment - Often initiation as a shaman ritual dismemberment involved analogous to death, as a symbol of spiritual fragmentation of the many split personalities within. The Shaman must have the ability to split and then integrate yourself before you try to integrate with other people. Normally have been trained by other shamans shamans, even though integration also occurred spontaneously. Only if the apprentice shaman had integrated and healed all his splits in the IntegratedSoul personality, he was strong enough to try to heal others. It does give a strong sense of the higher soul can be filled with personality, not integrated in the different parts of the personality and then as it is just going to be lost. Split, by definition, patients have undergone fragmentation of the self as a strategy for survival in essence, they are lost.

An example of the training given to the shaman is in a 5000 years old text called "The Yoga SutrasPatanjali. "In as a meditative method of integration with the soul has been preserved for millennia. But always, the guru, shaman, had gone the way as essential to the process of soul integration.

As seen from this list of correspondences, there are many similarities between the "professional" met and divided culturally approved meditative states of the sub-arctic shaman, and the dissociative states of the patients. Split patients are usually moresophisticated than the average person begins as her amnesia, to slide. They have more mental capacity to become more meditative ability, more hypnotizability.

Normal people do not know the capacity that they are divided, they believe that they are perfect. The symptoms of splitness must be noted normal average people before they do not understand the paradigm that they are not yet integrated, can be overcome, they have to split ..

This is an introduction to Split Personalityof many works on psychology and the shaman as healer training and personality integrator .. Later I hope to complete the work in 1st The concept of universal dissociation. 2. Multiple personalities, MPD. 3. The Integrated Energy and Soul Personality Enhancement meditation.

The healer, shaman, Enlightened by a lot of training, always have the option to re-integrate themselves into as soon as the support of the integration of a customer.

But the cure for split personalityfor each integration is drawn dividing by grounding all the negative energy from traumatic experiences, contributes to the balancing act. As we all reason, the negative energy through meditation, it shall vanish, and an integrated personality, the soul will be responsible ..

Start your inclusive process by learning how to meditate and then speed it with the advanced techniques of energy expansion to the thousands of years old ancient effective techniques of Taoism, theEncapsulated Kundalini Kriya, The five elemental circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Guided Meditation of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus and VITRIOL The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

heel shin splints

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