The Eclectus parrot is an Asiatic parrot type that is widely bred in Europe and the United States. This bird, which is endemic in New Guinea, is ideal for people who are looking for their first parrot pet because it can adapt well in a cage and can be easy to care for in comparison to other parrot species. But before you go to your nearest pet store to buy this type of bird, you might want to know the unique characteristics of an Eclectus parrot. Here they are.
One of the things that Set this kind of parrot apart from other birds in the same way is the great difference in the appearance of males and females. An adult male Eclectus is usually a pale green plumage with a few colors of dark blue on the wings and tail and a patch of red on his side. The upper bill of the male Eclectus is bright yellow with a coral head, while the lower part of the beak black. The eyes of the little parrot, as large as 14 cm can grow, are brown. FemaleEclectus, on the other side has bright red plumage. You will notice that the back, underside of the tail and the wings of the females are deep red. In addition, you will also find a purple-blue stripes on the body and tips of the auxiliary wing. Finally, the lower jaw are the female black.
The temperament of this Asian parrot type is quite calm and peaceful, if it is in the cage. Say, in fact, many parrot owners that an Eclectus parrot is the quietest of all races. EvenIf this parrot is depressed and lonely, you will not hear or complain, irritating crying. However, make sure it's not too lively or so excited that you do not want to hear the infamous "Crrah" sound that some people may say ear piercing.
Another reason why an Eclectus species is for beginners is good that it simply can adapt to its new owner, and even yearn for their attention and joy. Once you hand-tame this bird, you can even teach withTricks and animal on the head and wings. In fact, one can also expect to hear it to imitate a few words. Feeding Eclectus one is easy. Apart from that, there are fruits and nuts, you must provide regularly with fresh vegetables.
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